Saturday, April 10, 2010

Saturday! The primary run-off winds down.

Frankly it's a tiny bit depressing how many voters are confused about what's going on. Between the party primaries last month, the primary run-off "early voting" last week, the primary run-off "Actual Election Day" coming up Tuesday ... people are TIRED of politics and don't really want to talk about the CITY and SCHOOL BOARD elections starting up a mere two weeks later.

Voter fatigue it the best friend a lazy and incompetent incumbent could possibly have. (Uhm, let me be clear, that's ANY lazy and incompetent incumbent, not a particular specific incumbent.)

If the voters are too tired to pay attention, then the mistakes and omissions of elected officials are overlooked. Accountability, geared to give the power to hire and fire such officials to voters rather than some God-annointed judge or king, depends on wakeful watchful aware voters.,

So, if I'm knockin' on your door Saturday morning so early I wake you up, my apologies will be a bit insincere. Wake up! Your vote matters. Which ever way it goes.

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