Friday, August 22, 2008

In San Antonio ISD, no money is missing. It's all been accounted for.

You okay with that, now?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Why did Cheryl Wright resign in August after taking her seat in June?

Was it because of the hate mail she got from the old, white, "Historic-Lancaster-on-the-Square" elite -- who called her names for supporting Carolyn Morris?

Was it because of the screaming insults she got from the large, black, male official entitled to join in "deliberations" in the executive conference room -- who later explained that "trash talk" is just "part of the culture"?

Was it fear, actual or foreseen, of the harassment the children she still has in the local schools were might get as classes begin this month?

Was it confusion over the morass of budget paperwork, still incomplete when distributed to trustees, still being revised under conservator Jim Damm's direction the night of the first budget workshop -- and the crushing responsibility of trying to vote on a $40-$50 million dollar mess that can't even be documented, let alone believed?

Was it simply that her husband's business's regular bookkeeper suddenly left, and that Ms Wright's financial skills were needed on the home front more than in the Lancaster trenches?

I dunno.

I bet, however, that hate mail, screaming, child harrassment, budget concerns combined to make ordinary business problems look a lot less troubling than they might otherwise have been.

And I sure hope Frank Mejia doesn't decide his business's books suddenly require his wife-partner's full time undivided attention, too.