Wednesday, March 17, 2010

So, my hat's in the ring. Or my toe's in the water. Or both.

I've been using this site to sound off about how to improve schools for several years now, on and off. Now I'd like to hear from voters, parents, and taxpayers in Lancaster. You tell me ...

I'm running for office so that you have a choice. If the incumbent continued in office without a campaign, you would have no opportunity to voice your views. I value your opinion. I’d like to hear what you, representing your neighborhood, want for our kids and our schools.

Do you think I'd be an asset to the board? I have analytical skills -- see my posts about rising vs falling test scores, and local finances. I can read and interpret financial reports, and I know when something in them just doesn't "smell right". I'm already spending hours (way too many hours, for an audience member) attending every school board meeting. I've been an active volunteer on district committees -- mostly finance, but including a teacher retention team for the strategic planning effort.

Does this offer you ideas about what you and I together can accomplish for our schools?

Please participate. This year, the voters have only one campaign going on. Without a challenger, the incumbents would just continue in position. And whatever has happened in the past would continue to happen. By offering you a choice, I offer you a voice. Raise your voice, Lancaster. I'm listening.

Monday, March 15, 2010

How to fix schools --

Video lessons from Oakland and Cleveland:

Results based budgeting? Would that work here?