Friday, September 22, 2006

Sample Ballot on the Bond Proposal:

The language of the ballot will read:

"The Issuance of Bonds in the Amount of $215,000,000 for the Construction, Renovation, Acquistion, and Equipment of School Buildings and the Purchase of new School Buses and the Levying of the Tax in Payment Thereof."

( ) For
( ) Against.

I don't see anything explicit in that about laptops.

There's nothing in there about the 30 year repayment period, either.

If I torture the meaning of the phrase "for... the equipment of school buildings..." beyond all recognition I suppose that a general purpose "technology" project that STAYS PUT IN THE BUILDING could be construed as part of the bond proposal.

A few thousand inherently portable assets ... I'm not so sure.

If it's such a great idea to issue students laptops, why isn't that idea explicit on the ballot?

If it's legal to borrow money for thirty years for a bus or a computer, why isn't that loan period on the ballot?

Which schools are going to be renovated? (And aren't those the same schools that were supposed to be renovated with the 2004 bond money?)

How is this proposition specific enough to hold anybody accountable if plans changes and "Scope Creeps" in the next few years?

Are you comfortable being "for" such a proposal?

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