Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Now, this probably is NOT enough to get a person fired from his job.

Just because Dallas County Voter ID #03502304 belongs to a person falsely claiming to live at:

500 Rolling Hills Place,
Lancaster, TX 75146

in October of 2006, and who voted in the November 2006 School Bond Referendum, even though he has ACTUALLY resided, since November 2005, at:

2640 Waterfront Drive
Grand Prairie TX 75054


It doesn't mean the Lancaster School district will fire him.

After all, the district needed every vote it could get, last bond election. Even the illegal ones. Even though it lost. It won't fire any employee, even the CFO, for this sort of minor fraud.

Now, in the MAY 2006 election, which also was a squeaker where every vote was absolutely crucial -- and where Dallas voter # 03502304 might have voted,

and didn't...

THAT might have caused a bit of heartburn in the Superintendent's office.

Probably not enough to get a person fired, though.

Can't help wondering what the actual disagreement might have been.

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