Saturday, March 10, 2007

The Team of Eight, or, Honesty is one of two competing policies.

Board President Nannette Vick and Lancaster ISD Superintendent Larry Lewis had what diplomats call "a frank exchange of views" (and the rest of us call 'an argument') about the first part of the first proposition on the new May 2007 bond.

The slide describing the proposal reads:

3 Replacement Elementary Schools
(West Main, Pleasant Run, Lancaster Elementary -- (LES will become 2nd middle school)

Ms Vick Can I interject? I read that 4 or 5 times before I cleared that in my own mind ... When I looked down, I was immediately confused. That's not really hard... But can you make that a little plainer, that we are NOT tearing down the middle school? That could be some confusion out there. So, we need to make sure .. this is not a replacement of a structure.... It's just the use of words.

Russ Johnson: It will have the name of the school in Boardwalk .. Lancaster Elementary.

Vicks: I don't care about the name Lancaster ... That three replacement elementary schools' infers that there's going to be a new West Main, which we want; a news Pleasant Run, which we want, -- a new Middle School -- we're TEARING DOWN a Middle School ? Surely we're tearing down a Middle School? No we're not. We have no intentions of tearing down the middle school. But see how the mind would carry that thought forward? So, let's remove that. And say, ' replacement of two and building of one new elementary ...'

Lewis interrupting : But it's not new. Those kids are going to be ... "

Vicks interrupting back: The structure's not there so it WILL be new. Don't argue. Say, 'Yes Miss Vick'.

Lewis: No. But, I have to explain to you Ms Vick, I think you may be... I don't want you to give out correct --uh -- incorrect information.

Ms Vick: Well, I won't.

Lewis: But the students are already here that are going to go into that new building ...

Vick: Exactly ...

: ... so it's not a new elementary.

Vick: But ...

Lewis: It's a new building.

Vick: What does replacement say to you?

Lewis: That we're going to replace that school.

Vick: What does replacement say to you when I say we're going to tear down Pleasant Run?

Lewis: It's just a different form of replacement

Vick: It's the use of words, okay? That's all it is. We need to make sure people understand we're not tearing down the middle school.


Kudos, for once, to Board President Vick for attempting to clarify to voters that the proposition is to treat current elementary schools in Lancaaster as "tear downs". The sites are great, and the buildings are fine for the students who occupy them now. But when the new kids from all the new construction of new homes start showing up, then those same buildings will not be new and big and modern enough. So, Dr Lewis proposes tearing them down.

And when this "different form of replacement" is challenged by the nominal leader of Dr Lewis's Board, he tells her "No."

Okay, just so we know who's driving this sled. Even for the lead dog, it seems the view never changes.

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