Sunday, July 29, 2007

Evaluation Instrument.

Like everything in the district this year, we're a month or so behind schedule on this little requirement. But as part of the annual budget LAST year, the LISD Board of Trustees published the superintendent's "evaluation instrument".

Elsewhere , I have commented that the Superintendent's evaluation process is like " a runner not only setting his own distance, but holding his own stopwatch. At the end of the race, don't you suppose he could at least tell everybody how fast he thinks he's run? "

So, what five to eight goals has this Superintendent set for himself for this year? Are these goals higher, or "more achievable", than last year's goals? Who will be measuring the progress and publishing the benchmarks?

Does it make any difference that the Trustees have a new board President? Does it matter that Larry Lewis, PhD, is no longer the ONLY PhD on the "Team of Eight" ?

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