Monday, April 05, 2010

April 2010 board meeting ...

So who wants to guess what the "inter-local agreement" is about?

Quoting the agenda:

"(13) Consider reviewing the Inter-local Agreement with the City of Lancaster and the Board’s Attorney – Carolyn Morris
(14) Consider Summer Programs for the children/students of Lancaster – Carolyn Morris"

Odd that the superintendent, Dr Dana Marables, isn't presenting. Not ready for "Prime Time"?

There are a range of matters previously defined in LISD policy that require interlocal agreements. For example, the district is authorized to make such agreements for nursing services with a local hospital; (GR-Legal) automobile liability insurance specifically for police vehicles; (CRB-Legal) and generalworkman’s compensation pools. (CRE-Legal) So, which one is it? Without specific details in the agenda it is impossible for the public to determine what particular agreement is being “considered”.

The language of “consider” in juxtaposition with “agreement” is also ambiguous. It falls under a section of the agenda marked “ACTION ITEMS”. If the LISD is making or renewing an “agreement” shouldn’t the agenda item be an “APPROVAL” question? If the matter is only for education preparing for later action, shouldn’t it be “communication”?

Odd, odd, odd.

Item fifteen is just as odd:

"(15) Approval and/or Discussion -- Naming of Finalist for Superintendent for Lancaster ISD"

I'll take a video camera and we'll see what happens.

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