Tuesday, April 27, 2010

There's theory and reality.

Reality wins.

Y'know, if barely-post-stone age shepherds 6000 years ago could teach kids to read so that by age 13 they could read the parchment scrolls at "minyan" -- how much new and improved technology does it take to accomplish a similar task in a post-Gutenberg, post-AlGore-internet, society?

Reading. What a concept.


Unknown said...

If you are the same Jeff Melcher that is running for LISD Board of Trustee seat then why are you home schooling your children? Do you not promote or trust Public Schools? Why are your children not in a Texas Public School? I thought District 3 became a single member district back in the early 90's. The purpose of single member districting was to ensure that minorities had representation. It is my understanding that you are running for CHANGE and your CHANGE is to CHANGE the district to white and to leave the district without minority representation. I will be contacting Washington DC about our minority district and about how the whites are trying to reverse the district back to the way it was.

J Melcher said...

So, the bottom of the deck has produced what used to be a trump card.

Good luck with that in the era of the Obama presidency. When you finally arrive in the 21st century, we can have a little dialog about what educational theory has done to, not for, various demographic groups and cultures.

Acntx said...

To rhondavis: While everyone is entitled to their opinions, I find your previous comment highly offensive. For the record, I'm a 24 year old black male who lives in District 3 with a relative attending Lancaster schools. Single-member districts were implemented in the 1990s to increase minority representation on the city council and school board, but that change didn't restrict participation to just minorities or a specific racial group. School board candidates have to be registered voters and must live within their respective district for six months or longer. Mr. Melcher obviously fulfilled those requirements or his name wouldn't have been placed on the ballot. Secondly, how is his participation some conspiratorial plot to leave the district without minority representation? If, no when, he wins this upcoming election, there will still be a diverse cross-section of our community represented on the board. Mr. Melcher's victory will represent a definite change because whatever your opinions are of Carolyn Morris, she has held the District 3 seat for many years. Beginning in 2007, Lancaster residents in other districts have consistently elected new or non-incumbent board candidates.

Its a shame that you have tried to inject race into an election in which the well-being and education of LISD students should be the highest priority. If you live in District 3 and believed the things you said about Mr. Melcher's candidacy, why didn't you choose to run in this year's election?

We don't live in an area where racial intolerance, no matter where it is coming from, is acceptable. This is Lancaster, Texas in 2010. Those of us living in the various working/middle-class neighborhoods of District 3 deserve a strong trustee who will work with the incoming superintendent and is committed to moving the district in a positive direction. After evaluating both candidates, I believe that Mr. Melcher will be a positive addition to the school board. One of his campaign signs is staked in my front yard and I will be voting for him in this election. I respect Ms. Morris and her service, but I think it is time for a change.