Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What's the point of abstaining?

Remember Larry Lewis's pay raise of December, 2006? This was the last meeting attended by (later convicted embezzler) Eugene Smith,the district chief financial officer. At this time, Larry Lewis knew the required annual audit would not be completed on time. He apparently did not share his knowledge with the board.

Trustees voted with 5 in favor of awarding Dr Lewis a 4% pay raise. One trustee was absent. And one voted to abstain.

What's the point of abstaining?

If you have knowledge of a problem, or even suspicion of a problem, why abstain?
Abstaining is usually reserved for a situation in which a trustee has a conflict of interest. Like, if the district is seeking to buy property and the trustee is an agent, broker or realtor for the seller. Then, of course, abstain.

But why, if there are legitimate objections to an action, not vote?

It seems to me a trustee ought to have the courage to speak truth. And when the circumstances warrent opposition, vote NO.

A wimpy trustee doesn't help a weak superintendent.

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