Sunday, May 09, 2010

Sunburned and exhausted.

Thank you to a dozen or so volunteers who carried me over the line. Herman and Sondra, Jessica and Polly, Cornell, Nannette, Sue and Marie; Barbara D., Frank H., Casandra, Kim and the rest of the HOA friends, Joe, and others I'm right now I'm right now still too tired and sunburned to remember.

Thanks especially to my three kids and my incredible wife. I could not survive a day without you.


RVPIMP said...

In my opinion...

Carolyn Morris has to be the dumbest individual I've ever seen to file a slander suit in relation to recent (and true) allegations of possible misconduct as the PAST LISD school board member. Her filing serves no other purpose than to open a can of worms that I'm quite sure she's going to regret. I can't help but think, "Did it cross your mind that EVERYONE will want to know what this is all about and if the matter was ever settled?"
Besides, in America we have this thing called THE CONSTITUTION (for Carolyn... this is an old but important document judges use to render judgement on say... frivolous and petty lawsuits)
The very First Amendment to said document affords us protection for our Right to Free Speech! Furthermore... any fifth grader can read current slander/defamation law and determine that "In order to have a valid claim for slander, you have to experience and demonstrate some kind of TANGIBLE loss or damages."
You see, in America, we can say pretty much anything about anybody so long as it's factual or the expression of our opinion without fear of retribution or legal oppression. It's part of why this country is the very best in the world! For instance, I may think you're ignorant. I can even say, I think your ignorant! You may disagree with me, that you're ignorant. (of corse you'd be too ignorant to argue your point, but for the sake of argument you could disagree) and yet, nobody can restrict my right to express that opinion or your right to object. See how that works? Of course not, you're ignorant. LOL

RVPIMP said...

and yes I see that I inadvertently neglected a "u" in "course" ( second to last sentence. )
You see, I ( unlike you ) check my work so that people won't think... Yep, you got it, I'M IGNORANT!